新经典的美国子公司Boyds Mills & Kane(下称“BMK”)日前已完成对童书出版商minedition的收购。minedition主要出版纸板书和绘本。根据收购协议,minedition的创始人迈克尔•纽格鲍尔(Michael Neugebauer)将继续负责该品牌的创意和产品,而其业务运营将由BMK的首席财务官姜乐英(Leying Jiang)接管。
Boyds Mills
& Kane has acquired a majority interest in minedition, the children’s book
publisher that specializes in board and picture books. Under the deal,
minedition founder Michael Neugebauer will maintain creative control of the
imprint while its business operations will be overseen by Leying Jiang, CFO of
Boyds Mills & Kane.
本次投资将为BMK带来约200种英语图书,而包括德语、法语在内的书目合计达到约1500种左右。收购后,minedition每年将继续出版20-40种新书。新经典美国目前拥有Boyds Mills Press,Calkins Creek,Kane Press,Wordsong和minedition多个子品牌。
investment will add about 200 titles to BMK’s backlist, giving it a catalogue
of approximately 1,500 books under the Boyds Mills Press, Calkins Creek, Kane
Press, Wordsong, and minedition imprints.
BMK的出版人朱莉安娜·劳莱塔(Juliana Lauletta)在一份声明中提到:“迈克尔·纽格鲍尔以出版儿童读物而闻名,这些书制作精良,对细节一丝不苟,使用了富有创意的制作元素,适合处于不同成长阶段的儿童,能激发他们的兴趣和好奇心。”
Neugebauer has established a reputation for publishing books for children that
are magnificently produced with the utmost care for detail, books that use
creative production elements, books that are just right for kids at various
stages of development, and books that spark their interest and curiosity,” said
BMK publisher Juliana Lauletta in a statement.
纽格鲍尔已从事儿童图书出版业务30余年,他在2004年与美国企鹅出版社(Penguin USA)合作创办了minedition,并于5年后开始独立经营。minedition的图书过去由IPG发行,但从今年7月1日开始,其图书将由BMK图书的发行商企鹅兰登负责发行。
who will continue to do 20-40 titles annually, has been involved in children’s
book publishing for more than 30 years. He started minedition in 2004 in
partnership with Penguin USA and after five years went out on his own.
Minedition’s titles have been distributed by IPG but, beginning July 1, will be
distributed by Penguin Random House which distributes BMK's books.
总部位于北京的新经典于2016年收购美国儿童教育出版社Kane Press,并于2019年5月从Highlights for Children手中收购子品牌Boyds Mills Press,此后新经典美国子公司更名为Boyds
Mills & Kane。收购minedition是BMK成立后的首次重大境外投资。
investment in minedition is the first major move BMK has made since it was
formed following Kane Press’s purchase of the Boyds Mills imprints from
Highlights for Children in May 2019. Kane Press is owned by Thinkingdom Ltd, a
subsidiary of the Beijing-based Thinkingdom Media Group.